joi, 30 iulie 2015

Our second action of picking trash in Zarnesti commune, Buzau county

Picking trash in Zarnesti village,

Buzau county

Together with 4 adults from Vadu Soresti, plus a reporter, and 2 children from Vadu Soresti and two from Luncasi village - Zarnesti commune, we set forward on 25th July 2015 and accomplished the following: we collected and sorted trash from the village and also from uninhabited areas around it, totaling 36kg PETs and 4kg aluminum cans, and from selling these we obtained 27 RON, money which will go into our NGO's account.

We thank our volunteers and the mayor's office in Zarnesti! :-)

Below you can see images from our action, and you can also click on the link in order to watch the audio interview recorded by Radio Prodiaspora :-)

Happy listening!

The "Leisure & Chinese" Team

Bags collected together with the tourists from our Chinese summer camp 



Before / After:
( What didn't disappear from here..., it could not be pulled from the ground )



The discovery of the century: a bucket of washable paint inside the forest. Conclusion: our ancestors painted trees on the inside... :

duminică, 19 iulie 2015

A new volunteer action: "The voice of nature"

Some messages from Nature

On "Trash in the forest":

"You beautiful biped,
You really make me curious:
When you leave plastic strewn through the forest,
Do you feel...fantastic?

Signed: Me, the oak tree"

On "Cutting the forest":

"I knew you were being cheeky,
When you went and cut down the forest,
But try to be rational:
Are you really mature?"

Volunteers from Vadu Soresti and Buzau went and put up flyers with ironic and comical texts on trees between Vadu Soresti and Pruneni - where we had the cleaning action in May - and in Nania forest. 

The texts are meant for those who often throw trash out in nature and who cut down trees illegally, without thinking of the consequences. We will be waiting for your own poems, to put up in the woods, at our address :-)

As a side-note:

The effects of our eco action from May:

- at one month after the cleanup, we found only one PET, and 2 and a half months later everything is still clean :-)
- although there are no trash containers nor a trash dump nearby, between Vadu Soresti and Pruneni, at least not visible, no more trash has been thrown around :-)
- the trash dump hole in the bed of the Calnau stream was closed down :-)

Short term plan: another eco action, this time for the bed of the Calnau stream

Medium term plan: find the best solution to maintain the local rural area clean, by obtaining containers and special transportation vehicles for trash waste, sorted by recyclable and not-recyclable. 

We will keep you up to date with the effects of the action "The voice of nature", action which will go on for the rest of the summer. ;-)